Today i am a scarf swirling in the wind..
without aim, without purpose, without a care in the world
I blow, alone, but free..higher and higher i go
and on me..as the greens and blues splash the yellows with a helping of red and there hidden just under them..dancing to its own crazy tune is a dash of fresh violet
aaaah!! how good the wind feels so high up as it touches me inside out..
just how perfect the sun looks from up close, look how I make it blush as I blow it a kiss
as the world below me disappears into little specks, I am free at last..stringless guiltless painless.. just another scarf in the wind :)
@reeta :)
thank u for bringing that smil on my face
Isn't that Sherry again? Oh but its you.
btw, how's the dance class going?
khush aamdid...khush aamdid...
sherry ji...
may you keep flying and swirling forever... no pain no guilt no regrets!
from the liberating point of view .. its great ..
but I think its equally lovely when as a scarf one is wrapped around someone, knowing and feeling that warmth n the feeling of being close .. more importantly cherished.
yaa thats sherry and yes that's me too :)
i quit the dance class 'coz:
1)it was getting too hectic to manage along with my work (officialy)
2)I am too lazy (for friends)
3)I just couldn't take the way everyone seemed to laughing and shaking their heads at me 'coz I was by far the worst pupil (honest truth)
@humble devil
thanku ji thanku ji
bas aapki dua h ;) :D
thank u
I hope so too :)
take care
aaaah but not every scarf is lucky enough to be cherished and loved is it?
So, isn't it better to be left on its own to fly in the wind than to be left to fade away in some forgotten corner of a moth infested trunk?
hey well written description . kind of rejuvinates the mind , esp. the part world disappear into small specks ;)..i cud visualize it
thanks a lot..great u liked it :)
"as the greens and blues splash the yellows with a helping of red and there hidden just under them..dancing to its own crazy tune is a dash of fresh violet
aaaah!! how good the wind feels so high up as it touches me inside out..
wow...you sure do see the world from a different perspective lady !!..who else wd imagine colours turning live..teaming up..splashing eachother ,hiding ...
excuisite again !!
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