Today I was a mirror...
clear, like the most virgin lake...
smooth like the finest silk...
shimmering like the brightest star...
Today I was a mirror...
hit by a wayward rock
rippled like a torrid sea...
and as the cracks spread to every part of me...
I fell..
fell to the unforgiving ground..!!
my shimmering pieces,
spread far and wide,
like the traveling tears of a lost child
sad poem.
broken mirrors still show images...
WOW...that's one awesome post..!! :)
reminds me of an old query of mine...a mirror getting broken is an irreversible process...is it true for us humans as well..?
..just a thought..!! :)
That's beautiful...absolutely beautiful...
"my shimmering pieces,
spread far and wide,
like the traveling tears of a lost child ..."
Wow... That was deep girl. Doesn't ur brain choke of overload???
yes, they show broken faces.. hiding crushed hearts
Yes it is irreversible, we can move on and be happy in other things, might even forget about being broken once, but the truth is that each time we break, a part of us dies forever. That part might be innocence, or trust or love.. or may be all of them..
thank u
Hiding ugliness behind a mask of rich brocade beauty, is a common practice :)
my dear friend, I write so as to save my brain from clotting of overload :D
nice poetry.. u remind me of another blogger friend of mine who was in the habit of ending every one of my sad poems with a happy paragraph of his own :)
And he came and picked the pieces
for the peices felt his own
and he thought he'would glue them together
but the corners were unknown
He still took them, kept them close
everyone thought it would cut him
but he knew she was hurt more
in days his blood dried, and the mirror was one again !!
that was so sweet...even better than mine :)
You broke.. so that more than one could hide their images in you.
You broke... so that more than one could find some clarity in the reflection in you.
A single you wasnt enough for the world. It needed a million pieces of you.
my shimmering pieces,
spread far and wide,
like the traveling tears of a lost child
nice lines...sweet poem!
wow...I never thought of it like that
thanks :)
thanks :)
sad but beautiful
'my shimmering pieces,
spread far and wide,
like the traveling tears of a lost child '
loved those lines
Hey Umang, Wish you a great 2009. Wassup?
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