I am sitting at my desk with nothing to do except write crap, I don’t even know whether I would publish it or not. What a day it has been.
I came to office to a merciless dressing down from my ex-manager because I failed to hear what he said over the deafening traffic and because I “dared” to ask him for a charge code for the work I was supposed to be doing for him. Add to that wadas so soggy, they almost made me choke and the unbearable stench of stale coffee all over me because I managed to spill it down the front of my pale yellow shirt, which is now irreversibly ruined.
‘A’ thinks I am bored of talking to him, ‘coz I managed to fall asleep for three consecutive days on the phone.
None of my friends are online.
I feel like breaking something.
I feel like tearing off this foul smelling shirt and jumping on my maddeningly white desk; naked.
I feel like pulling out and shredding every piece of poetry, every picture, every thought I have put up on my cramped cubicle wall.
I feel like crouching under my desk, running away from this unforgiving world like a kid.
I feel like ending my career before it has even begun.
I want a chance to wipe the slate clean once again and begin anew ..
Take a break if you can. Hope you are sleeping well.
This is a phase and it will pass. Just be strong. Take care.
this feels like it's written about me..
well that phase haspassed, only to make way for a worse one.
sad isn't it, don't worry, we will all get over it
tc :)
With a million years of work-ex, I can tell u that such days are not very uncommon and it's alrite unless it becomes a daily act :). An unsolicited advice Try shifting the office time by 2 hours(in either direction) if u can.
Oye ki hoya?? All ok now? Let off the steam girl..there's nothing that a few shots of tequila can't cure:D
Dude..chillaxxxx..wud feeling like this make ur situation better..i believe it wont..so think reasonably and u wud come out this situation..all the best
@brown phantom
unfortunately on bench its a daily act and that is what is so frustrating about it
bas yar kya bataun...bench sucks big time...nine hours of doing nothing :(
its a dudetteby the way :D
and lets hope i get a project soon and get some work to do :)
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