I came home with aching feet and a head full of service lines and delivery logs (I couldn't have remembered the steps of logging one if my life depended on it.. but since my job does, I just spent the whole day trying to rattofy it)..collapsed onto my huge teddy, took off the killer heels and closed my eyes. Images of the weekend just gone by came flitting through and brought a much needed smile...
5 pairs of funky shorts sprawled on the floor..eyes glued to the lappy screen, as a single coke bottle passed hands...
The shared guffaws at abhishek's overacting and ooohs at John's sexy body in dostana and yeah..!! the green smoke of jealousy at priynka's hot style
the imprompto full blast dance party at 3 in the mroning..with everything from "kala chashmas" to "kajrare"
The smile just grew bigger as the images of all those cool dudes we discovered on orkut at 5 in the morning went by.. ;)
the sudden wakeup call at 1 in the afternoon...
the marathon to the bathrooms
the hurried facials and the last minute kajal..
and we were ready to hit the malls!!
The window shopping for goods and guys alike ;)
The gorgeous red top and funky new handbag..
Tryouts for dresses we know we won't wear in our wildest dreams, while the helpless shopkeeper watched on..
The bagsfull of household goodies(yup yup I am a girl with a flat now)
Behind an old obscure board..the most delicious chinese food I have ever eaten...I can almost smell it.. :yumm: .. :sigh: :sigh: :yumm:
and the best part... dawdling along the streets of hyderabad at 11 I the night looking for the elusive paanwala..
The knock on the door pulls me away from the swirling red gulkand.. That's my rumies back from a long day... its time to pick up the broom and sweep the weekend under the covers for the moment, along with the empty popcorn bag and the capless bottle of coke..
"kala chashmas" to "kajrare" ...lol
wow girls, I mean I've known how bachelor life is in Dubai coz. I visited my brother for 2 months when he lived here with friends and your post made me nostalgic. Even 5 years after those good ol' days ended, we still are in splits remembering our old times whenever we have a gathering... And our wives are amused wondering, why the hell is this so funny
awesome re!!
Sounds brilliant... my weekend was spent on my balcony wit my roomies doing Hookah... =)
Me love such weekends =)
now here is someone who HAS a life...unlike me... -_-
Scribblers Inc.
yeah it sure was hillarious and the pics were eve funnier..but my rumies wud kill me if I put them up here :D
1. So you have a big teddy to comfort you .. why do all gals have so much affection for those chaps .. it sometimes makes me jealous
2. Dostana .. lappy .. ?? buddy go to the cinemas now. The recessionary times need some cashflow ..
3. Orkut profiles .. haha .. that was a college thing .. wasnt it? I guess you guyz need some real grooming now ;)
4. Dance at 3 .. wow .. thats something interesting ..
5. wake up at 1? .. so 'put you hands up for detroit' who wakes up at 1 .. wow quiet a crowd
6. makeup and malls .. again cashflow baby .. hehe ..
2-3 days would pass soon .. and there we are putting our fav pair of shoes .. walking the roads .. only wish there's another pair walkin beside ;)
yeah..these are memories that can get you in splits anytime aywhere for ages to come :D
hmmm..yeah..shez getting there..
umang to sherry...
hukkaaah... that brings back memories of another weekend, spent engulfed in the mystic smoke of mischief and that of someone's very special attentions.. :)
:sigh: memories.. I love them
@scribbler's inc.
life is what we define it to be.. and i don't know abt life but u definitely have a talent for telling stories..visited your blog
dude yar sone se fursat mile to jaun na movie hall and as for the teddy..its a gift from my friends and hence, deserves all the love hugs and kisses it gets :)
and as for the pair of shoes.. yeah they certaily are looking for company.. another pair to share all those funky discoveries with :)
@humble devil
arre dnt worry ur sherry is right here :)
Nice.. I am painted green with envy. :D
@eternal optimista
aaaaah!! now at last my peace is complete ;) :P :P :D
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