He took her arm and tucked it safely in the crook of his elbow.
He heard her heart beat under the russle of her deep gown.
He bent towards her and whispered... "worry not my princess, I am there to hold you every time you falter"
She heard the gentle strains of music intermingling with the chatter of people waiting for her.
She saw the delicate patterns on the ancient glass panes of the door, enlightened by the subtle rays from the room beyond.
She felt his hand press hers reassuring...
She finally reached out and pushed across to the other side...
And then all was gone...
The light, the music, the people... his fingers slipped from hers... she twirled where she stood, lost in that dark hole of forever...
And there she twirls still, in that russling gown of misery... living the unreality of betrayal... stilled in a frozen block of eternity...
reaching out towards a hand of promise whose fingertips forever remain just out of reach...